Funeral services

Transport of the deceased in Croatia and abroad, transport of the deceased to the airport, flight reservation, taking over the body at the hospital or airport and the transport of the deceased to the place of burial.


Preparation of documents, coffins and bodies for transport by van or plane


Together we choose the best and most favourable option for transporting the body and inform you about the costs. For insurance partners, assistance companies and fellow undertakers, we organize the transport of the deceased from Southeast Europe (Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Serbia, Northern Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, and Montenegro) Administration


Arranging the necessary documents for transport and burial in Croatia and Europe, registration of death certificates, obtaining a consignment note and customs permits


Transport of the deceased to all destinations; together with our partners from the region we agree on faster repatriation and a more favourable price for transport of the deceased


Care and preparation of the body for transport, flight and funeral


In agreement with relatives or an insurance company, we arrange cremation, with the possibility of sending the urn by plane or mail


Arranging the necessary documents for exhumation and transport of the remains of the deceased in Croatia and Europe

Funeral at sea

The International Funeral Services Princivali organizes scattering ashes of the deceased into the Adriatic Sea. We organize funerals at sea and scattering ashes of the deceased at locations in Dalmatia and Istria. After the agreement, we prepare all the necessary documentation and take care of all the formalities and permits that take more time.
We organize a boat, music, a photographer, food, and after the ceremony, the family receives a certificate from the captain with the coordinates of the place where the ashes were scattered.

Cooperation with insurance and assistance companies

PRINCIVALI International Funeral Services have been cooperating for many years with many insurance, assistance and funeral companies around the world; we are able to organize the transport of the deceased from anywhere in Europe and the world.

We are open for cooperation with all insurance companies, assistance companies and fellow undertakers and we will be happy to answer all your inquiries. For many years we have been helping insurance companies, assistance companies and undertakers in organizing the transport and return back home of the deceased from this part of Europe.
We provide repatriation services and transport of the deceased from Croatia Bosnia, Serbia, Northern Macedonia, Slovenia, Kosovo, Albania and Montenegro.
We carry out all our work according to international standards and are available 24/7 for all your questions and inquiries.


Thanks to our membership in the European Federation of Funeral Services EFFS and the FIAT-IFTA the World Organization of Funeral Operatives we have acquired the possibility of organizing funeral services from many countries and the transport of the deceased, cremation services and exhumation services of the deceased from various destinations in the world, as well as returning the deceased to Croatia and the region.